Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just checking

Just checking out the rest of the world recently and i've found 6 countries that aren't infecte ans the reasons why: China and Japan are clean cause those freakin smart Asians found a cure in 48 hours, Germany gave guns to civillians and stepped it up to just plain hunting and killing the turds, Russia just decided to drink their vodka and discoverd that vodka is a main chemical in the cure and so their pretty much clean, and finally England, and France didnt get any of the infection!!! Now i know what your thinking if you're reading this post and no Vodka wont work they have a very mild case of the infection and thats why the're clean.
Sebastian brackett sigining off.

Log 5

Savior of light Brackett

Sunday, July 12, 2009

New equation

This is getting bad. After tedious study of the infected bear (thats why i havent made any new logs in such a while because it's taken us this long just to KILL it) I have found that not only does the infected animal have a gross increase in size, but it's also become faster and stronger. And this is true to any animal that consumes infected flesh. This adds a whole new threat to our fight we are now alerting any military convoys to stop by us first before going through so they can be breifed on this matter. The infection is mutating no matter how much we don't want to believe it it just is. So many new things... it's getting more and more confusing.
Sebastian brackett signing off

Log 4

Savior of light Brackett

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What is that thing 2

IT was here and i was right in my hopes...it's a bear. But it's more than just a bear it's different probably ate an infected and became that way. It's HUGE probably the size of a full grown grizzly. Problem is we found and animal control truck (with the body or what was left of it) with some sort of tracking system. turns out this thing is not only NOT a grizzly but its 1-YEAR OLD!!! can you imagine a grizzly eating something? I just pray ther aren't more cause only God knows how much harder they'll make things.
Sebsatin brackett sigining off
Log 3

Savior of Light Brackett

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What is that thing?

While taking my new initiate out to get some training in, we saw somethin. I dont know what it was and i hope i never have to find out because whatever it was it was big... realy big. He said we should follow it seeing as how it ignored us or as he put it "didnt detect us". but i know better something that big should have good senses, and a sort temper. Like I said i dont want to find out what it was. Hopefully just a bear
Sebastian brackett sining off


Savior of Light Brackett

Monday, July 6, 2009

Made it

Just made it back from the store. We found some supplies and food. Also saw a military truck as we passed by...no ammo or guns. But it dosent concern me that we have little firearms and limited ammo what concerns me is that ... where are the bodies??? there was no blood any where near the truck and as for the rest of the area im clueless. We had a big fight last monday and killed atleast 40. they were all in towncenter and now there gone! How can the bodies just vanish like that? and we alerted any military to NOT explore the surronding area. I dont like this not one bit. Sebastian brackett sigining off.


Savior of Light Brackett